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Heat Pump Maintenance

The small cost of prevention is so much cheaper than the large cost of repair. We at U & R Mechanical believe this is true with all types of systems. 

Your heat pump not only heats your home in the winter it also cools your home in the summer, it is your all around inclusive system this makes it so important to make sure that it gets the maintenance that it needs when it needs it.

Your heat pump system needs to have maintenance performed to insure it is running to its full potential not only in the summer to keep you cool but also in the winter to keep you warm.

As with any heating or cooling system, a heat pump benefits from routine preventative maintenance. For example, according to, the difference in energy consumption between a well-maintained heat pump and a neglected one ranges from 10% to 25%.

Routine heat pump maintenance helps keep the system performing efficiently. It also helps prevent damage to the compressor and other components, to protect your heating and cooling investment.

So in addition to maintaining heat pump system reliability, routine service reduces the risk of unexpected (and potentially costly) repairs.

U & R Mechanical offers a planned maintenance agreement. Starting at $150.00 you receive two  visits from our qualified technicians before the hot weather descends upon us and again before to cold chill fills the air.

With our planned maintenance agreement you don't even have to remember when your system service date comes around. We will gladly reach out to you by text or call and let you know it is time for your system maintenance. 

Click here to for pricing and  MORE...

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